Thursday, April 4, 2013

St Andrews - Where Golfers Kiss the Ground

If someone is a golfer, one of the ultimate places to visit (and of course, play golf) is St. Andrews, Scotland. St. Andrews is located about an hour outside Edinburgh and is also home to the oldest University is Scotland. St. Andrews is considered the Home of Golf, with the first written record of golf here dating back to 1552.  The neat little town also provides some interesting sights and shops, so there is something to do for the non-golfers.

It was so great to see the look on Rodney's face yesterday when he first saw the Royal and Ancient Golf Club (pictured in the background, along with the 18th green). I actually thought he was going to kiss the ground, as this visit has been a longtime dream of his.  I can't imagine what he will be like when he actually gets to play golf today at the "spiritual heartland" of golf!

We also visited a great restaurant, Dunvegan' of the owners is from Texas! The food and service was wonderful...the Dunvegan's steak is topped with jalapeƱos, salsa and cheese..yummy! And the sticky toffee pudding was great!

More on St. Andrews later!

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