Thursday, March 28, 2013

To Pack or Not to Pack?

As we are preparing for our upcoming journey, I have been thinking about what to pack.  The most common questions I get from travelers preparing for a trip are related to packing.  How much should I take? What should I take?  What will the weather be like?  Should I take ______ (fill in the wouldn't believe some of the things I have been asked)? 

First words of advice...make a list!  Start weeks before the trip jotting down things so you don't forget anything.  You can always remove/revise when it comes time to pack.  Over the years I have generated several packing lists and saved on my computer...lists vary for different climates, destinations and durations of trips.  And my clients love that I always share the appropriate lists with them.

Once you have everything gathered from your list, pack it all in your suitcase.  Next, unpack and remove at least three items. You have just made room to bring back some souvenirs!  I once had a friend show up at my house for a 10 day trip.  She kept dragging luggage in the door.  We unpacked everything, I explained to her that she didn't need 12 pairs of shoes (and I love shoes!) and after reviewing and removing a few other things, she went from four suitcases to two!  As we dragged our luggage through various hotels, airports and cities, she wished she only had one suitcase.

Another way to make room in your luggage is take older items that you can discard and leave behind...books, t-shirts, pajamas, socks, etc.

Don't leave home without it! A few things that I think are essential (besides the obvious of clothing and shoes...I'll blog about those categories at some point):
1.  A camera - capture as much as you can.  You may forget some of your journey/adventures. 
2. A journal/notebook - I always journal my travels and while you may not have an interest in that, you might want to record that great restaurant you visited, the sites you saw, notes about what you bought and where, people you met, etc..  I do go back and refer to my journals for information and just to relive some of the great memories.
3. A small first aid kit - include bandages, aspirin, stomach & cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, alcohol wipes and antibacterial ointment. Just a few of each will usually suffice.
4. Hand sanitizer/hand wipes - Better to be safe than sorry! I even have the great hook that hangs on the outside of your bag, which makes it very convenient.
5. Rain Jacket -  Foldable, packable and waterproof (not just water repellent).

Other things I always pack...a small flashlight, extra glasses, extra cash squirreled away (it helps to have small bills in local currency) and extra copies of your itinerary.

What is the one thing you never leave home without when you are traveling?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Blog About the Journey

Welcome to my new blog!  I am constantly asked by friends, clients, family and even strangers (okay, I've never met a stranger!) to share travel info on everything from destinations to travel tips to my own personal travel experiences.  So...I will be blogging mostly about travel.  We will be departing on a new journey soon, so stay tuned for updates as we travel from Tennessee to Ireland to Scotland and then a trip down the Rhine River.